The Kremlin

62 Comments | Last Updated 21st May 2024 | Added 16th February 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

Ireland's biggest LGBT nightclub. Est. 1999. Fab guest appearances, homegrown drag acts, and Belfast's most sexy and Soviet night out!

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96 Donegall Street
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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Kremlin

There now follows 62 comments about The Kremlin. You can also (no signup required).

Been coming here for years, your cocktail server is the most rude person! After waiting 20 minutes to get served I asked for a bottle of wine to which he said go down stairs if your not ording cocktails, sorry when was this the policy?

Submitted by Martin on 7th August 2016

Freezing, music is ok, absolutely no heat, if you are going, wear winter clothes !!!

Submitted by Dislike on 20th November 2015

Dear dear how times change! Once this would have been one of the best clubs (straight or gay) in Ireland! Smelly, dirty and tacky would be 3 words I would use to describe it now. At one time I practically lived in the place, now I wouldn't be seen dead in it! If out of date entertainment, poor cleaners and a cheap crowd is your thing, then this is the place for you.

Submitted by Paul on 17th February 2014

so so ,majoirly not what it was uset to be great most amazeing place but this was shot lived quickly beacame just another crap hole poseing as a gay venue gets bay just about on rep 0f previupusn times crowd you get now are people you would very much cross streeet to aviod and would not want to be on same street ton begin with and staff in the place also took a major downturn almost as sucmy as the utert lolives around u and more likely got get in and get srvice than you take it form someone whos lived it liled hear and been their the kremin angn shoe factory and union st bar are worth manjor lee avoding granted verry litttle in the the way of a gay seen in ni ibut by f*** kremilin tease days son sucks and so bad only still excistis as son little thats gay northetn ireland and tuerth bertold nnot goning to be around much longer

Submitted by chris on 14th November 2012

Isnt a gay club , its gay-friendly , and that's at a push , more str8 people and hen-dos , not half the club it use to be , and bring ur wallet.. a very big wallet.. dearest club in NI..and that's no exaggeration , bouncers are po-faced and no rapore with customers , management see you as Â�£Â�£Â�£Â�£ , thats all , your not spending money..your out..end of story.

Submitted by Lee on 2nd September 2012

This place has really gone to the dogs. The clientelle really is predominantly straight now, and I was even given funny looks by some chavs for being affectionate with my boyfriend. The staff are pig ignorant to anyone they aren't friends with and you really do feel like you're just paying far too much for everything. Used to be a fun place to go to, but I won't be back :(

Submitted by Sam on 11th November 2011

Inside it looks nice, but the bouncers, management and cloakroom staff are very stubborn and unhelpful. My friend left early and had my cloakroom ticket. The cloakroom staff wouldn't give me my coat back even though I could identify every item in the pockets, the size and type of coat. They knew rightly it was my coat but were totally stubborn and unwilling to help. Their unhelpfulness ruined our night out.

Submitted by JM on 31st October 2011

I have been few times with friends, I am straight and really enjoyed it. you may get chatted up by gays but hey being a straight guy attending a gay bar its just something we have to deal with. have pulled straight women each time i have been there and had a good night and enjoyed the music.

Submitted by Situation on 19th October 2011

been there for the 1st time in my life 1 friday night...and it was a str8 guy, but its beats any other nightclub in my opinion now!

Submitted by bluemac on 10th October 2011

Do the Krem not have cleaners??? EVERYTIME i go i come out as if ive been working in a spud field!!! Most of the barstaff friendly...I agree that E***** is one of the best bouncers ive ever met. I was at the opening night of the krem all those years ago and it was great for quite sometime...sadly though its defo gone down hill....defo needs a revamp. I now prefer to go to the union...far better night.

Submitted by ME on 7th August 2011

The Kremlin is the best place to go in Belfast, no matter what your orientation. It is friendly and fun with good prices and brilliant staff, especially the door staff, with whom I have never had any problems with and they will always welcome you in warmly. Also to Miss Jane if you don't like gay people kissing all around you why go to a gay club? It is not a bit much at all, they are there to hook up with who they want to just like you would with other men in other clubs. Anyways, excellent club and even after being about 15 times I can't wait to go back.

Submitted on 31st July 2011

Ive been too the kremlin and i absolutely loved it! .. Me and my friends go for girlie nights :) We are al straight but we still have a great night and have total respect for everyone in the club.. It is a gay club after all and we really shouldnt be there but it has the best atmosphere and has some of the nicest people i have ever met there.. Ive never seen any fights or bitchiness at kremlin and that is the best thing for a night out of just having fun! :) couldnt rate it any higher! :)

Submitted on 25th July 2011

Used to love the Kremlin and have been a regular for many years but have found recently that there is roughly one gay person to about 5 straight women . And these straight women seem to think its ok to fondle any gay man they fancy . does my head in . A gay club should be primarily for gay people .The Kremlin cannot call itself a gay club anymore

Submitted by Mike on 13th June 2011

I go to the Kremlin every week (sometimes more than once) and I absolutley love it. Staff are amazing and mostly gorgeous, music great, atmosphere second to none! I have never had a problem getting in or becoming a 'regular' and think the door staff do a fab job! The only reason others may find them strict is because they are doing their job of protecting the regular users! This is the epic-centre of belfasts gay community!

Submitted by laura on 8th May 2011

Frist time , going to kremlin last night ,LOVED it , although waited at the cocktail bar for a cocktail but then again takes time to make them with so many orders ,the crisp made my wait very pleasent though. Door Staff were friendly , Staff were pleasent even from when i was paying in the guy there was very charming at the door and the people mopping were friendly . I shall be back! although didnt get the whole changing my pint glass for a plastic cup ..?

Atmosphere 8/10

Service 7/10

Costumer Service 10/10

Music -unmarkable Amazing!

Submitted by Mark on 8th May 2011

Been qiute a few times when i visit Belfast, everyone entitled to there opinion. But in saying that i have never been refused entry,music is fab,bar staff cope very well considering the pressure they are under, door staff very good at there jobs,they take no crap.. Go girls..x

Submitted by jo on 7th May 2011

NOT a nice night... at all.. these armband systems - mean bar staff - all under pressure - yes - regardless, you work in a treat every customer with respect.. pushing and shoving to the bar (to get what you paid for)only to be confronted with disorganised non-professional bar-persons NOT having RESPECT to oblidge customers - causing more anxiety and fuel filled anger (to plausable clientelle) giving the Bouncers more grief than needed - needless to say - meet and greet by the main door personelle and floor staff were excepetionally gracious....BAR MANAGER - get a new job! hectic - is the only word i use - disgraceful - thats close too (customer service = you (the Kremlin) surviving ( i pray someone with, wit, charm and sophistocation opens a properly run GAY bar and doesnt employ any BAR staff who happened to aquire experience working the bar at that place!

Submitted by Gremlin on 27th April 2011

I am striaght but i go to the kremlin regurely. very good craic. brilliant music. TBH I think the drink is very cheap as they do a lot of offers. Its got to be the best nite club in belfast....Id go there b4 anywere else. Barstaff very nice and pleasent. Bar staff are very stressed and have a lot of pressure on them as ecah bar in the kremlin is packed. yet they all seem to be smilin. The bouncers and door staff in the kremlin are very nice and pleasent espicially E***** she is such a nice person never seen her be checky are rude to anyone. I was at the kremlin on friday night there for the goscars and it was such a good night with good music.. well done kremlin keep up good work! xx

Submitted by Shannon on 27th February 2011

I have been countless times, the first time I went (and I'm gay) it seemed to be too 'in your face' however the next time I went I loved it and now it's my favourite place to go, in the town. The bouncer's are friendly as are the bar staff. The atmosphere is always good and the music is always really good. Love It.

Submitted by Séamus on 14th February 2011

was in the kremlin for the first time on thursday for Joe McElderry. im straight but i find gay venues to be more entertaining and friendly than most othr clubs! before kremlin id only evr been to yello bt kremlin def beats it hands down!! I thought it was awesome. Best nightclub iv been to in a long time! especially loved the cocktail bar!! xx

Submitted by eve on 21st December 2010

i wos in the kremlin at the wkend for the first time and i think the place is fab,, im straight but have few gay friends who i think are fab also. to be honest i think the kremlin is perfect and it doesnt need to change a thing keep up good work,,best place ever !!!!!

Submitted by mel on 28th November 2010

I recently started going to the Kremlin with some friends who are regulars and i have never had a problem getting in. I have found the door and bar staff helpful and friendly. I now go as a regular myself. i think the atmosphere is brilliant and i have the best nights out here.

Submitted on 17th November 2010

hi i would just like to say that ive been going to the K for many many years now and absolutely love the place and think that people who have a promblem with gay people kissing their partners in a gay bar need to wise up and go to a straight bar,if you know what i mean and said in the nicest posilble way thanks

Submitted by Dee on 18th October 2010

Well i have been passing time reading these reviews and feel i need to add as i drink IN the kemlin now and then. So i'l start by applausing the bar staff as yes they are under pressure but thats a result of high demand for the kremlin. The figures �£�£�£ speak for themselves - never an empty bar!! The bar staff handle this demand and pressure very well. NOW as for the DOOR STAFF - Well i have yet to see them being forceful and out of hand with any1. I am aware they are all licensed and fully trained UNLIKE OTHER BARS/CLUBS in BELFAST. However on the rare occasion if sum1 is being aggressive in the kremlin i like to know that i am safe due to the DOOR STAFF and they're TRAINING. I particularly would love to have E***** (doorstaff)patience as i have seen first hand the way in which this lady deals with irate/ignorant/homophobic/wanabe customers.. She is a real people person with great people skills she is credit to the Kremlin, in all honesty i think i want to kiss her actually.. xx

Submitted by Bernadette on 29th August 2010

you cant beat entertainment EVERY NIGHT!!!!its the best venue in belfast but its also your we local too.everyone is friendly you dnt really get too many fights. you cant complain.there arent too many gay bars in belfast so why not have the best bar hehe.

Submitted on 20th July 2010

Walked into the place Sunday night after receiving a stamp in the bar next door. Not keen on the only spirits after 1am policy they have in there, was told it was "the rule" and that it's the same in all Belfast clubs, is that true (I'm not local...)? They have beers on draught and in bottles but refuse to serve them after a certain point! I find drinking beers a much safer option, it's just a preference, so would have liked some more diversity and tolerance for people's drinking preferences in "Europe's hottest Gay Venue". The space is pretty good, but found the music boring and far too loud, and the overall atmosphere wasn't too far away from the pissed up hen party hell you can find in most provincial town centres on Sat night. It's ok but not very alternative! The gay bingo drag session next door at the Union Bar was really fun though!

Submitted by strident net nurse on 13th July 2010

I went to the Kremlin as part of the Sex and the City 2 night out. I am a straight woman. The music was good and parts of the bar were nice, but other parts not so nice. One area we were standing at, all I could smell was vomit and it was rank. The room with the stage looked like a bit of a hole. I've no problem with gays (my cousin is gay), but when you're actually there and you see it all around you, it's a bit much and I don't like it going on in front of my face. I won't be going back in a hurry.

Submitted by Miss Jane on 19th June 2010

Was a brilliant nite highly recommend it the bar staff are very friendly and so are the people would def go back again

Submitted on 29th March 2010

That's the problem with this venue. It's meant to be a gay bar.. Too many so called str8 people using it now. Trouble starts when you look at a guy and the g/f starts mouthing off thinking you trying to pick up her man!!! If you are str8, why use a gay venue? handfull of gay venues in belfast, loads of staight venues, why come here?

Submitted by seamus shiny face on 27th February 2010

im a straight guy and i think kremlin is one of the best clubs in belfast... the door staff are friendly and i never have any problems getting in (even though i have an afro lol)... the bar staff are pretty sharp at serving you and the craic is always good... red square is the dogs bollocks and i always have a good time... and people slegging the place for being anti-straight, ive been there with my last 2 girlfriends and they didnt have any problems with us kissing as long as you dont shove it in their faces... ive been about 20 times and have to say that ive not been to any other clubs as much... in my opinion its the best club in belfast for gays or straights and all in between

Submitted by kev on 19th January 2010

the kremlin is definately the best nights out I have ever had. Door staff very professional altho it took be a long time to be classed as a regular! Music

Submitted by Debbie on 13th January 2010

Definitely agree! New Year's Eve 2010 was class! Going again tonight, haha! :D

Submitted by Matty19 on 1st January 2010



Submitted by Party Animal xx on 1st January 2010

I really like the Kremlin! I don't get what everyone is saying about the security being rude etc... because everytime I go, I never have any problems getting it! And actually, I find they're quite nice to me. It's always a good laugh there, and the music is as good as (if not considerably better) than a load of other places.

I can appreciate people saying about expensive drinks or whatever, but sure... have you ever BEEN to The Empire? The Parlour can be pricey too, like, depending on the time. I mean, they sell their shots for �£3.50 sometimes! The Kremlin is nowhere near that steep. Mind you, the bar staff kinda make up prices in their heads at times. If you ask them how much a drink will cost before you actually ask to order one, they have to wreck their brains to come up with some inconsistent value off the top of their heads, haha!

Also, the different zones are cool! I don't see why people dislike the set-up. It means that you can go between the areas, and listen to the music you want to hear. Yeah, there's stairs... but who really cares? And if you think it's THAT confusing ("maze-like" etc), then you have clearly been drinking too much. Lol.

I do agree though. It needs hot men... but it's never going to get them with people giving bad reviews, based solely on security and the attitudes of the barstaff. Who really gives a damn like...? It's the atmosphere that matters most.

<3 The Kremlin.

Submitted by ^.^ on 29th December 2009

Used to be gr8 place when opened, but as usual gets too familiar. Needs to change with the times. Still stuck in the good old days. Economy changing(they haven't noticed) increased prices,bad attitute from staff, pretty poor standards all round.

Where was the million pound spent on refurbishment,a few years back? where did the money come from? if they did they were ripped off!!!

Submitted by belfast lad on 24th December 2009

needs hot guys

Submitted on 1st October 2009

Read the review in Fate mag which was an amazing write up so my friends and I thought we would give it a go and we had a fantastic night the staff and security couldn't have been more helpful, and I have never drank in a more cleaner club. I will most certainly be back!!!

Submitted on 19th September 2009

we and our hen party went to the kremlin last nite(05/09/09) we had trouble getting in as we were told its "regulars only", we had phoned a few days before and were told it would be ok - eventually our hens and us did get in, only to find rude staff and dirty toilets!! wouldnt rush back in hurry!!

Submitted by michelle and irene on 6th September 2009

best gay club IRELAND has ever had. Staff and door staff are very professional in dealing with customers. Maybe some of the critics should look at their attitude when attending and creating a bad vibe in their oppinion from the staff.

Submitted by clive-BELFAST on 3rd August 2009

Kremlin is a total hole now it used to be good years ago when the staff where approachable and friendly now they are all on some type of power trip and seem to get a kick out of embarrasin the life out of u infront of other people, asking you for id and not allowing people in that they consider not "regulars"

prices are a disgrace, let far to many ppl in then you cannot move when inside.. wat happened to health and safety regulations?

belfast def needs a new gay club, with decent trained staff.

rant finished would consider never going back!!!!!!

Submitted by Angry customer on 3rd August 2009

The old kremlin before the facelift was great, amazing staff and an amzing nite always to be had. Every time you went it felt like your 1st time...hmm now its full of underage kids, posers, scary not nice straight ppl and rude door/barstaff and even worse barstaff and god the drag queens are terrible (we love titty)...WHAT HAS HAPPENED?? who is running it now? are you depressed and dont care anymore? its a bad nightmare bring back parliment and custom house!! Seriously why cant my straight friends have a snog if its acceptable for me to kiss my gf in any straight bar...its all a big joke.....the ppl who love it now only say that because they are filled with happy pills and happily get ripped off with overpriced vodkas and flat beers...Dont get me started on that poor excuse of a smoking area.RANT OVER NEVER GOING BACK

Submitted on 26th July 2009

Im straight but I love the kremlin, ive only been twice but both times were great!!!

The staff are lovely and everyone who goes are so cool and trendy and friendly. The Kremlin is my new favourite bar!!!!The layout is confusing but that doesnt matter cos its great!!

Submitted by kremlin fan on 19th July 2009

Used to love going to this place. It has got very busy - very young - and the door staff are the most unfriendly, unhelpful, rudist, impolite people I have ever met. They make you feel like a criminal. They are heavy handed, thugs and a gang of bullies. They all need a slap round the ear. Hate this place - will never be back. I would discourage anyone from going here - leave it - just go else where. Yuk!

Submitted by Sean on 14th June 2009

i go a lot to the kremlin and both bar and doorstaff are always great to me. When i was drunk and couldn't get home one of the doorstaff gave me a tenner to get a taxi. Where would you get that????? i go a lot but don't even know the staff that well. So i would say give the staff a chance, seems like a hard job dealing with drunk idiots like me who lose their wallets.

Submitted by jack 35 on 20th May 2009

i have been to kremlin quite a few times now and although i like going out i don't get out very often. I never have a problem getting in and i have been down with quite a few of my straight friends. I don't know the staff very well but they have always been very polite and helpful from beginning to end. Any time i see them they are having a laugh with customers. I would recommend that if you had a bad experience then give it another go as it may not be as bad as you thought it was.

Submitted by Anonymous on 20th May 2009

I think the Kremlin is great!

I go quite regularly and always enjoy it. The staff in my opinion are usually very friendly. Never known anyone to have trouble with the door staff - they do check ID if you seem young and they don't recognise you, but obviously that is their job.

Layout was confusing the first time I went, but I actually think it's quite cool!

I've brought lots of my straight friends to it on a few occassions and they have all loved it too.

Always an enjoyable night, and would definitely reccomend it!

Submitted on 17th May 2009

never again!! i used to be a regular here when i could get past the door staff who seem to have a constant case of pmt, have been turned away on numerous occasions with non regular friends. How embarrassing, we go on bout equal rights and we have a door policy like that....KREMLIN SORT YOUR DOOR STAFF OUT!!! way too overpriced and crap layout.

Sticking with dubarrys, free in, great service and really friendly staff!!

Submitted on 30th April 2009

What has happened to the place what a load of rubbish, What did you do with that guy Ryan (manager ) he new how to run the club. sell up or clean it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ex customer

Submitted on 30th March 2009

I love the Kremlin! Aliright, u do get the bulldog dkyes, but there friendly enough, prices are reasoable, but they should have more promos on a Friday <3 red square and the 'camp' room, good music... all i say is if you dont like it then dont go!

Submitted by JustOutGirl on 30th March 2009

I quite like the place most of the time...heard a well-sourced rumour of a "The Parliament reunion" or something coming soon....should please a few people!!!

Submitted by JOSE on 12th March 2009

Bar has goe from a good one till a totally disgraceful one, like some ppl said they dont allow gay regulars to bring non regular friends/straight friends, yet gay ppl always say about being treated badly, their staff are appalling, and extreamly rude not to mention forceful, prices are shocking, i would not go back near it, even though i was there almost every weekend

Submitted by Emma on 19th January 2009

Kremlin used to be a good spot, great door staff friendly bar staff, great layout and super tunes. What has happened? New management has happened! The Kremlin is a dirty, confusing hole of a place. The friendly nature has gone. Nazi styled bouncing staff at the door, refusing entry to regulars who have with them non-regular friends. Making you feel embarrassed and ashamed to be gay. Door staff refusing entry due to personal grudges held against you, and again embarrassing you intentionally in front of other patrons. The pleasant familiararity of the kremlin has been lost, the sense of belonging is gone for good I fear. Dont go its not worth the money they charge. Stop serving pints at around 1130pm forcing you to purchase extortionately priced spirits and make you drink them from a filthy plastic beaker. TIME FOR A CHANGE!!

Submitted by Ex Kremlin Patrons on 10th January 2009

I went to the kremlin on new years eve and i really enjoyed myself. Bouncers were very polite and helpfull and although the bar staff were run of thier feet they were also very nice. The talent was AMAZING and i loved the layout of the toilets. The different rooms were a pleasent change from straight clubs and i will definitely be returning and recomending it to my other gay/bi-sexual friends.

Submitted by Tyrone on 8th January 2009

Im a lesbian, and the talent is absolutely rediculous, would not go with any of them bulldog dyke's have a shower for goodness sake!

Submitted by Rachel on 23rd December 2008

Every time I hear the Kremlin wins awards for being the best gay bar I burst out laughing,they must be bribing the judges or slipping them a brown envelope.I dont know any other gay/straight bar that treats its customers so badly.Its like mission impossible trying to get past the bouncers who seem to have permanent PMT/chip on their shoulders.If your lucky enough to get in your confronted with a rats maze of a place,up and down steps and corridors trying to find a decent place to stand (what was wrong with the old layout?) Bar staff are friendly but there are never enough to serve everyone,what really bugs me is that they stop selling pints of beer just as your starting to enjoy yourself,you have buy 2 bottles of beer instead to get the same amount of beer,total rip off! Its just a ploy to get as much money as it can out of you. Musics alrite but nothing to write home about. If you want my advice give this place a miss,as a gay man I think the straight clubs have far more to offer,better atmosphere,better music and alot more friendlier. Bring back The Parliament !

Submitted by Stephen East Belfast on 27th October 2008

Been looking forward to visiting Belfast and a night in the Kremlin with a group of english friends, however we got refused entry as we were not local.. or regulars, and they were having a busy nite..however I am Northern Irish, and used to be a regular... Disgusted and won't be recommending any visits there anymore... and Very unfriendly door staff, especially somewhere that is supposed to be Irelands premier gay venue.

Submitted by D- Manchester on 9th September 2008

what a load of rubbish, full of camp kids who think they're cool cos the kremlin seems to have the door policy of the younger the better??? what's with that!!! Way over priced as well, sweat box and crap service. Plus the girls (and i use that term loosly) on the door seem to think if u don't look like a bull dog dyke yer not gay??? so ya can't come in?? well news for ya girls some of us lesbians like to take care of ourselves and pride in our appearances!!

Bring back the old parliament, failing that, loving dubarrys at the minute. def won't be back in the kremlin again

Submitted on 28th August 2008

Full of kids very camp and charge way too much for drinks . Roll on the new gay club opening soon in north street.

Submitted by mark on 19th June 2008

I think its got like play school all the very young ones yet we are asked for id and us both 30.. its a laugh.. the staff are stuck up there own arse they are so bad mannered i wouldnt recommend to anyone the place to be is Dubarrys lovely place and very friendly staff.

Submitted on 27th May 2008

the kremlin is great! i go almost every weekend. the music gets everyone up and there is different rooms with different styles of music. one of the rooms (red square) plays rave and trance from 12-3am which is probly the most popular room. the bouncers can be dickheads so make sure to bring your ID. drinks are a reasonable price although theres a happy hour from 9-10

Submitted on 7th April 2008

Bar and toilets a disgrace, staff unfriendly and rude, manager looked like he hated the place as well. dont waist your time

Submitted by keith london on 1st April 2008

not worth a visit , poor customer service , over priced dont go .

Submitted by belfastguy on 27th March 2008

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