Union Street Bar

41 Comments | Last Updated 31st May 2021 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Union Street Pub & Restaurant opened its doors as a bar in December 2003 and the restaurant was launched in January 2004. The building is a converted 19th century shoe factory laid out over three floors. The ambience is enhanced by the spectacular sash windows and interior design that surround all levels.

Choose between eating in the downstairs area which is a busy cosmopolitan bar daytime and evening time or enjoy the more private setting of the luxurious middle floor.

The Union Street Pub is ideal for lunchtime or evening dining with the ambient music and open fires creating the perfect setting for a unique gastronomic experience.

Information and Contact Details

Traditional Bar
8 - 14 Union Street
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There now follows 41 comments about Union Street Bar. You can also (no signup required).

Called in to Union St. for a pint before heading home this evening. Impressed with the service, the bar staff, the music and the general ambience of the place. Alas, with about 1/10 of a pint left to drink we were repeatedly and aggressively told to leave by two of the most intimidating, thuggish bullies it's been my misfortune to encounter. Clearly having had nothing to do in their "bouncing " capacity outdoors they had decided to throw their not inconsiderable weight around inside instead. There was absolutely no reason for this behaviour other than their own urgency to get home as early as possible and indeed both had left the premises within seconds of my own departure. It is a dreadful shame that a company as reputable as that which runs the Kremlin and Union Street, having sold a client a drink refuses to allow them the time to drink it.

Submitted on 17th August 2016

It Was craic afternoon in the Union Bar celebrating my 40th Birthday with friends friendly place make everyone fell welcome thanks to Tina Leges xx

Submitted by Nora on 7th June 2015

I was here for my first time over Christmas, my friends had organised to meet here. It has to be one of the most bizarre bars I've ever been in! Old rough women and 17 year old boys grinding on the dance floor while and an elderly man DJs and talks a load of rubbish over the mic! People watching did keep us entertained for the first hour until a fight between two of the rough women kicked off, so fearing our lives we left. If this is a true representation of gay Belfast then I'm glad I moved away years ago!

Submitted by JJ on 28th January 2014

I went to the karaoke on Thursday with Robert and Trudi which is usually a very enjoyable evening , however when I asked for 2 pints I was told there was NO draft beer available of any kind including Guinness and cider. The only beer available was bottled beer at the virtually same price as a regular pint. The female member of staff on duty had a very dismissive attitude and offered no explanation .

Submitted by Stuart on 22nd March 2013

I had been here once before and decided to arrange a girlie day for my birthday. We booked a meal this time andeveryone thoroughly enjoyed it. The atmosphere was great and Tina came thru and took the time to chat to everyone, my mum was with us and she was tickled that tina made sure she got pics taken with her. The caberet and kareoke were brilliant and the whole place was buzzing. The place has a great atmosphere and we were soon laghing joking and dancing with people from neighbouring tables. Id highly reccommend this to anyone, all ages. We will deffo be back soon

Submitted by debbie on 19th June 2012

I dont know who the below people are writing about, but they must be been DEAF, BLIND and DUMB. The staff are excellent, (even when the bar is full, which is everytime I have been in,) they take time to talk and socialise with you, when putting in your order, be it at the bar or the restaurant. The food is good too, and not overly priced. I dont generally visit bars because there is always one or two drunken loud mouths there, and you are never sure of the strangers you talk to. This sort of pub/restaurant is the sort of place I would normally be wary off, but having been there with my wife and older children, I can honestly say that we all really enjoyed the place and the welcomong atmosphere. Its a great place to relax, have food and be entertained. The clientelle arnt drunk or rowdy, the place, the staff and the customers are easygoing, which, in my book are the ingredients for a great evening.

Submitted by EHW Ballyclare. on 22nd March 2012

I have been quite a few times now on a Saturday afternoon it is such a brill day out Tina Leggs Tantrum's kareoke is fantastic!!! A real friendly atmosphere my face was actually sore from laughing!!!

Submitted by Nichola Thomson on 9th August 2010

Have been going to the bingo for years and in for lunch during the week (excellent food, fresh, new and self satisfying) or in on a wed night with my army mates which is always a great night! Service is very friendly, barstaff are extremely well mannered and on the ball which is always what u want. Kremlin cud follow suit. But il keep on going, i love it too much! Keep up the great work in union and thanks for years of super service.

Submitted by AC on 3rd July 2010

the new girl on the door ( the boucer ) is very nice ,has a very good door manor always speaks , always makes you feel welcome , which i have to say is a massive in provement for the union street . that other dame with the black spicky hair is/was a night mare never smiles , never makes you welcome , i no she has a job to do , but come on, well done union .street ! keep smiling ! X

Submitted by mick on 18th June 2010

love the food


Submitted on 6th April 2010

the best bar since sliced bread, friendly , relaxing and very enjoyable atmosphere. barstaff with excellent manners, always a joy to drink at your establishment

Submitted by karen on 8th September 2009

was brill had a really good time and every one so nice dj plays all sorts of music loved it

Submitted on 2nd September 2009

Went there for pride this year 2009 and the club was cool nice atsmophere disco very camp (love it) the only trouble is the guy with the black vest on behind the bar did me

Submitted by gaza on 3rd August 2009

nice place but o m g the staff are vile i do not understand them why are they so nasty and vile!!!!

Submitted by pink pound on 27th July 2009


Submitted by LISA CUMMINS on 25th May 2009

overpriced, well overated , needs some seblance of an atmosphere, and as usual bar staff think they are above the customers

Submitted by jamie g on 16th January 2009

New years eve! WOW!!!!!!!! had a great time and it was nice to see our friend relax and smile (thats been rare l8ly) bring it on union street your the best bar that we have ever been to in Belfast wednesday night was brill the atmosphere and friendiness of the staff made it all the better. See you in the new year.

Submitted by Susan Gless on 3rd January 2009

just visiting from Vancouver and had heard a lot about this place, so my partner and I decided to check it out yeah it,s kinda good! the entertainment was good will defo be back when in Belfast again. Well good luck.

Submitted by Lacey Graham - Bishop on 7th December 2008

We were raised to give credit where it is due, and this is what I have to say, my friend and sister recommened the union, so my partner and I went for lunch, great food great atmosphere and great staff, my partner and I have been together for many years, and since we were so relaxed I ask her to marry me and she said Y.E.S. so thankyou for making the union such a casual and relaxing place to dine, and to the staff for being so helpful and considerate. Without the relaxing atmosphere I dont think I could have popped the question, whatever your doing your very good at it. keep up the good work you could end up doing wedding receptions.

Submitted by Dr Olivia Geffen on 9th November 2008

A nice relaxing place to sit in. The open fires are great now the Winter is approaching. Im not gay myself but I feel very welcome and comfortable here. This place is very friendly and NOT exclusively gay. Dont come to be offended and you wont be.

They seem to have a "Happy Hour" most nights - which makes the price very reasonable on average. Staff seem to be OK with us - so far...

Submitted by wee dave on 31st October 2008

Paul Watters food is excellent! Were's he working now???????

Submitted by Salon owner on 21st October 2008

ok!! I read some of the comments and I have to agree with my partner Dee, were we in the same place as the others who made the comments !!!sorry it has to be said every thing about it was just terriffic we have a friend who told us about it she had trouble finding a place when she came from canada and then she found union street, and told us how friendly staff were and how good the food is, so keep up the good work and we will be back with more friends from down south and from as far a field as canada.

Submitted by Val Bono on 3rd October 2008

I was in union street bar for the first time with my best friend who has come back from Canada. she has been going on about this brilliant place since she came here, so I thought why not give it a try, so I met up with her, and OMG not only a miracle to get her to stop work for a couple of hours she was right it is FANTASTIC I have told friends that they have to visit THE UNION we enjoyed the kareoke. as for the food and alcohol PERFECT its not often our friend is right where alchohol is concerned (as she only has sprite) but this time she was spot on, staff brilliant service brilliant food to die for as for atmosphere and entertainment just brilliant no complaint or negativities from canadians or southern irish keep up the good work.As lesbians I found it hard to find a gay bar that made me feel comfortable but thanks to our friend for telling us about it we shall be back.

Submitted by Dee Geffen on 23rd September 2008

I have just visited from the uk, I love the concept of the bar, well presented and great caberet!, so much of that is lost these days but those girls have talent! and its a good atmosphere, true about the staff, they really think they are something and cant be bothered to serve or give you a smile! also true about the price of spirts, �£4 quid a shot, stupid prices for a shot, come on noi, catch yourself on, we are gay mon noi and we dont like to be ripped off!! Apart from that a great bar. shame theres not any more like that in Belfast! Marcus

Submitted by Marcus on 10th August 2008

It would be a great bar if the bar staff would be abit more friendy, they walk about that place as if they own it themselfs, also bouncers with bad attitudes in a gay bar is not a good idea, my biggest problem with this bar is no beer after a certain time just spirts, i cant drink spirts so does that mean im not welcome, at this stage i always have to leave which is a shame, i cant think ok anywhere else in town who do that. get it sorted managers

Submitted by Andy on 6th May 2008

close it down

Submitted on 2nd May 2008

having worked for this company for many years, i must say that the work is very taxing and very demanding and the staff donate so much of their lives to providing the best service and entertainment possible. Even as a consumer (which is hard to remember sometimes that the staff are customers as well) i find it hard to beat the dedication and faithfulness of the customers and staff and I find it the only place in Belfast with that kind of calibre of service, and atmosphere that brings me back to my job week after week with a smile at the end of each shift with a team that are as dedicated to public service at a high quality as is available at any other bar in Balfast, and personally I feel it is unparralled by any other business in this industry, and well worth a visit. We are glad to accomodate and welcome all new customers, and all of our old favorites and personalities who have made us all feel so welcome over the last 4 years.

Submitted by a piece of the funiture on 1st April 2008

On one of these comments an un-named person says they have never heard of Paul Watters. The guy is a food genius. How he can get so many different textures and tastes onto one plate is beond belief. Wont be long before he gets his 3rd Michelin Star.

Paul Rankin and Michael Dean watch out, here comes Paul ................. watch this space!

Submitted by Maxie on 29th January 2008

Spoke to chef friend of mine and he told me Paul Watters is a top class chef who worked under Ramsey, and is currently working in one of the main hotels in Singapore. Sooner he comes back to Belfast the better, food will only improve.

Submitted by GMAN on 23rd November 2007

I would just like to clear something up here - Paul Watters (who ever he may be) is not and has never been the head chef in Bar 7 or any other restaurant I know of!!!

Submitted on 3rd October 2007

Paul Watters is an under-rated chef. Dont know if he has opened his own top restraunt now but hey, what a chef!

Top class food, top class all round, top class guy. Watch out gordon Ramsey !!!

Submitted by Easy Tiger on 21st July 2007

Was in a restaurant recently in Dublin and got talking to some of the guys from U2. They recommended a guy called Paul Watters who is a chef in Belfast. Anyone know where this guy cooks now?

Submitted by U2 and good food fan! on 26th June 2007

The bar is crap - the staff are crap (except peter) - the food is crap and the entertainment is crap and not only do they stop serving beer but continue to serve spirits on certain occasions, but they now charge an admission fee on sunday nites, for a bar thats only been open about 3 years it needs an overhaul asap - the toilets are rediculously small and usually stink and the furniture in the bar isnt exactly modern or comfortable compared to other bars that and the fact that if you are sitting upstairs u can hear the music coming through the speakers there as well as the music coming from downstairs at the same time.On the plus side the dj robert aka "squarehead' thats in every saturday around teatime onwards is absolutley fantastic, his voice is incredible and has to be listened to to be believed.Also peter the resturaunt manager is fantastic but i dont like the camp barman with rips in the backside of his jeans and hardly any hair

Submitted on 7th May 2007

wat a rip off easter sunday was! all beer taken off and the spirits were very dear must try harder guys.

Submitted on 9th April 2007

went to the union street bar for the first time on wednesday night. was out for my birthday with my girlfriend unfortunately the resturant was closed. but can honestly say i was quite impressed with the bar itself and the entertainment. tina leggs was a scream well done tina ur onliners were fantastic and well done to the quiz team who came up with the outrageous name "my grannys not a fighter but u should see her box". we had a really great night and most definitely intend to return another night.

Submitted on 13th January 2007

I have been to Union Street many times and it is one of the Best bars in Belfast not only for the fact that it is so relaxed but also the fact that the food is among the best you could expect to get in Belfast, the Resturaunt manager Peter is a good fella and is a real laugh when you get to know him and he has always gone out of his way to help me when i was there..There have been some comments on here that the staff in Union st are stand-offish but that isnt the case.The only complaint that i have about this bar is that the toilets are way too small..the taps in the toilets are fiddley to get working and they smell a little..but then i dont drink in it cos of its toilets do i...excellent bar excellent music and all-round a good night out.

Submitted by Andy on 31st August 2006

I think the resturant manager needs singled out for paticular emphasis for being uup his own arse (older guy in a black shirt). He makes you feel bad that you have the audacity to actually want to come into his bar and have a drink. How dare you!

Submitted by Marian on 30th April 2006

I agree with Lisa. The actual bar itself is great and so is the food but the people who work there need to catch themselves on and get a life. They seem to think that just beacuse they work in a gay bar it makes them some sort of rock star for some bizarre reason, plus it would be better if it served carlsberg

Submitted on 28th April 2006

Building oozing character, but bar staff so full of themselves they hardly have time to serve a customer

maybe the socalled mixed thing isnt really there

Submitted by lisa Mcgettrick on 13th March 2006

im another old kings head fanatic,paul good food well done what about a carvery for all youre olde favourites

Submitted by davy patterson on 4th March 2006

i was in the union street bar were i heard the chef was called paul watters,who once was the chef in the kings head in belfast,paul you always come up trumps yet again,i will be back

Submitted by laura mc peake on 3rd March 2006

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