The Longfellow Bar

37 Comments | Last Updated 11th May 2024 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Longfellow Bar

The Longfellow Bar on My Ladys Road.

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115-119 My Ladys Road
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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Longfellow Bar

There now follows 37 comments about The Longfellow Bar. You can also (no signup required).

Exceptional friendly pub

Amazing staff

Amazing welcoming customers

Cheers for a great weekend


Submitted by Baldy Man on 4th February 2024

Both my grandparents where regulars in this local bar, such a friendly place.

The atmosphere is electric,so many laughs where has by all the family

Submitted by Rachel Ryder on 18th November 2023

Was in one night not so long ago for a party, was great night! Good Craic, Good drink

Submitted by Big baz on 7th October 2019

I have drank in the Longfellow Bar on and off for over 47 years, seen it change hands many times, some for the better, some for the worse- especially the 70's. Surprised at an ex- manager bad mouthing the place. It's been said it is what it is, a local bar for local people. Pints are reasonably priced, like all places some great staff, some mediocre and some downright indifferent, but never rude or offensive, unless you deserve it. Then take as it comes.

New owner, new era, great for the Woodstock Rhythm and Blues festival- great venue. Always welcomes strangers. Have met French, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, American and even the English are welcome. Long live the Longfellow/London bar.

Submitted by Harry Barry on 1st July 2016

Loved this bar . The staff were very friendly and polite as were most of the customers . The drink prices were great . The locals were very welcoming and convivial . The Art Deco lighting and seating is really nice and I hope they hold on to it . Great Bar.

Submitted by Niall on 26th November 2014

i went in belfast last year, i'm from spain and i can say that this bar is very good, in my opinion people was very polite and friendly to me. so thank you very much i hope to stay there soon. a hug from spain.

Submitted by chema on 16th November 2014

Great bar

Submitted by Sav on 5th December 2013

Been domiciled in England for 40 years. Went to Nettlefield Primary School. Havnt been home for 5 years. Will be home this November with my usual English friends to watch Ulster rugby.The first place we will head as usual will be The Longfellows(The London Bar)Once you get talking to the locals you are made very welcome

Submitted on 16th September 2013

Typical East Belfast bar, it's ok if you want a quiet drink but no good if you want a more livlier night out.

Submitted by Jim Lowry on 29th September 2011

there are some stupid comments here so i thought i should write one myself- friendly staff!,lovely owner!,cheap drinks- definately not city centre prices,toilets always clean!,glasses always clean!,never had a problem with anything-the only east belfast bar i would drink in :) :)

Submitted by angela on 31st July 2011

hi im the longahired biker and although wasnt asked to show my real name...its there for all too see....loved this bar when i visited, i dont go to belfast anymore for other reasons but if i did i would make a bee line for the longfellow...great bar great people that are just down to earth and normal....and most ulster people are....

Submitted by simon gasse from manchester on 25th May 2011

Some people have got this bar all wrong. Myself and other freinds from DERBY, fly over to belfast all the time, and this is the first pub we head for, over the last few years we,ve made many good freinds in the longfellow, and we allways get a great welcome..TOP BAR, TOP PEOPLE..

Submitted by PAUL H on 13th November 2010

The best wee bar in Belfast. Absolutely superb in every way.

Submitted by Jim Hawkes on 30th September 2010

Not a bad bar but can be a bit quiet through the week. You can't complain about the drink prices but if you want atmosphere then this is not the place for you. Sometimes it feels like you've walked into the lounge in an old folks home.

Submitted by Paul Hoey (Bloop) on 16th September 2010

Me and a friend came to the bar for the Woodstock Blues festival, The staff were great, The people (Mostly local) were the salt of the earth, they made us feel like part of the family and we had the best time. the bar is great and i am looking forward to visiting again. keep up the good work.

Submitted by Coyne on 8th September 2010

Best bar in belfast ! Best staff , best custommers , BEST PRICES !!!!�£2.30 PINT ! Glentoran bar , but welcomes all comers , north , south ,west , or EAST !! always will be No1!!!!!

Submitted by longfellow loyal ! on 28th August 2010

love the bar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Submitted by sam on 9th June 2010

if you beleive the bollocks wrote here saying that the longfellow is a bad bar please read the reveiws go round the other bars in the area then tell me the longfellow is run down and dreary because i can assure you theres been some mistake the longfellow is one of the only bars in the area that scored a 4 star rating in the scores on the doors pub challenge (one star short of excellent but VERY GOOD isnt to bad im sure you will agree) there are places serving food in the local area that only got 3 stars should tell you somthing about the cleanliness of the place as for unfriendly you must have been somewhere else the staff are friendly and the customers are some of the nicest people ive met. the drink is the cheapest in the area where else can you buy a pint for Â�£2.30 and Â�£2.25 pensioners also get discount on there drink at Â�£2.15 a pint town prices my arse show me somewhere in town that does a pint cheaper ill start drinking there instead of paying Â�£3.30 a pint in all the bars i drink in around town. the reveiws left saying the bar is run down dreary and a bad bar must be wrote by bitter assholes with nothing better to do sort your life out !!ive drunk there nigh on 15 years and have never had a problem with this place and as for some of the names left here instead of making up false names use your proper one i say these names are false because ive drunk there 15 years and ive never once met anyone in the bar with the name of the people leaving the bullshit remarks

Submitted on 12th May 2010

its not a bad bar but it isnt what it used to be it used to always be full of live but these days not so much, they had to do away with the disco which they had upstairs every saturday night because they werent getting the custom anymore, you still get a good laugh but its just not the same as it once was.

Submitted by w on 11th March 2010

as below, i meant Bill the builder (we partnered at pool cos we won lol) and Big Barry who had the haulage firm

Long haired rocker

Submitted on 4th February 2010

Last time i drank in here was about 15 years ago when i was over from the mainland......its a good local boozer without any frills, full of blokes and the odd lady or 3 who just want to have a laugh, get drunk and put the world to right, if your out on the pull then dont go in and dont slag it off for not being good for that, the people i met were freindly and not once....and it wasnt for trying, did i have to buy a round., god damn generous ulster folk!!.

I enjoyed the disco they had upstairs, by that time i was tanked on vodka but it always remains a fond memory as a good old fashioned no nonsence boozer...thanks to Big Bill the haulage firm owner, Micheal the milkman(he was a milky at the time)and some bloke that i played pool with (he was a postie at the time from being on the dole for years.

and all the related freinds who i sat at the table with....proper day/night out

Submitted by Long haired rocker on 4th February 2010

Nice friendly pro Glentoran pub, always drink there when i am over from England

Submitted by Mick on 6th January 2010

I'd rather sit on a park bench drinking cheap cider on a wet and windy night than drink in this place.

Submitted by Jay on 28th September 2009

terrible bar you would be better sitting in watching coronation street n drinking your warm beers from the back of the cupboard! honestly the worst bar ive been to!

not a chance of pulling any girls cause the place is jus local alcoholics!


Submitted by chris Belfast on 10th September 2009

Ref: The Review Below. Obviously if you call in a bar in East Belfast on 1st July or The Twelth July it is going to be very lively with a party atmosphere, it's the same as going in a particular bar on New Years Eve and then saying what a great place that is, try drinking in the Longfellows Bar on an ordinary night and you will see how boring and depressing it is, it is also one of the most expensive bars in the local area charging City Centre prices for a small backstreet local bar, they don't even have a good range of drinks.

Submitted by Ducko on 8th September 2009

having visited belfast to watch the 1st of july parade i was invited by friends to the longfellow and was very glad we did the craic was great and the place was jumping with constant flow of people both inside and out we had a great night im now planning on coming back again over the 11th and 12th and will be making a point of coming to this bar for a wee night out the disco was good with a mix of all sorts being played which suited me because it wasnt all bump bump music all night !! loved it just a quick thank you to all the staff for there hospitality !! all the best with regards big john (THE BIG MAN FROM MANCHESTER)

Submitted by ulster tourist on 3rd July 2009


Submitted by dave on 9th June 2009

The good reviews on this page are absolute nonsense, I think the owner of the Longfellows may have been at his keyboard, all anyone has to do is go into this bar and they will see what a run-down dreary place it is, it's horrible depressing and dull, the lack of customers speaks volumes. If you are not from the local area you will be treated very dryly and looked at with suspicion by the bar staff and customers.

Submitted by Brian C on 19th May 2009

This is a great wee boozer, the crowd, the craic, the atmosphere and the staff are all brilliant. A well ran pub providing a great service for the local community. You'd go far to find a better bar than this. Now can I have a free cider Andrew? xoxo

Submitted by Stevie Gee on 17th May 2009

all these other reviewers must be crazy, this is the best bar in the area..hands down. friendly staff

Submitted by anon on 14th May 2009

the reveiws submitted below must be from people who have been barred from the longfellow

the longfellow is one of the busiest and cheapest bars in the area the craic is great especially when glentoran win theres always new faces in the place

the bar staff are all mad you always get a laugh the glasses are regularly cleaned and polished (ive sat and watched them do it over a beer ) the customers are a mix of all ages and every one interacts well its a bar if you walked in as a stranger youd be in a company with in an hour having a laugh. if you beleive the bad reports on here you need your head looked at cause youll be missing out on one of belfasts few remaining community spirited bars FACT

Submitted by wee_man_from _the _road on 13th May 2009

I drank in this bar for years but not any more, it's depressing and boring, no music no fun no banter, this bar died a death about 5 years ago, it's gone to the dogs big style.

Submitted by Bloop on 17th December 2008

I would not let my dog drink out of the glasses in this bar.

Submitted by Big Davy on 6th December 2008

A small backstreet pub, unclean and unfriendly.

Submitted by Jimmy C on 28th November 2008

This bar is dirty and badly run, the beer is over-priced and served in dirty glasses, the bar staff are inexperienced and unfriendly.

Submitted by Wolfie on 18th November 2008

I would recommend that tourists avoid this bar,

Submitted by Name Witheld on 12th November 2008


Submitted by JOHN H on 10th November 2008

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