The Laganside Inn (CLOSED)

6 Comments | THIS VENUE IS NO LONGER OPEN | Last Updated 19th May 2024 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Laganside Inn on the Ravenhill Road

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49 Ravenhill Road
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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Laganside Inn

There now follows 6 comments about The Laganside Inn. You can also (no signup required).

Not too bad, it wouldn't be my first choice of bar in the area but it's not as bad as some people are saying, give it a try and make your own opinions.

Submitted by Jim Lowry on 29th September 2011

I agree with the three comments below, it's died a death and the kindest thing you could do is demolish the place.

Submitted by Paul Hoey (Bloop) on 16th September 2010

the laganside inn used to be one of the best bars in the area but unfortunately sine the new owner took over bout 8/9 years ago it hasnt been the same he has run the bar into the ground, and the blue painted front is apalling

Submitted by s on 11th March 2010

This is my LEAST favorite bar in Belfast, it is small, badly run, over-priced, dirty and uncomfortable.

Submitted by Big Davy, East Belfast. on 6th December 2008

the person who gave the review on 28.2.2007 must be the owner of the bar trying to promote it, or they were getting mixed up with somewhere else, the laganside inn on ravenhill road is a total dump, it is always empty because nobody wants to drink in there, the customers are like the patients in 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' . the bar staff keep you standing there, while they serve the regulars, drinking in here was a horrible experience, i couldn't wait to finish my over-priced pint and get the hell out.

Submitted by JOHN H on 13th November 2008

The Laganside Inn..

Such a Delightful place with a wonderful atmosphere. The Customers are all so friendly and it almost feels like your walkin into the cheers bar, where everyone knows your name.

with free food all day and a complimentary drink with every two bought its outstanding.

Submitted on 28th February 2007

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