The Kitchen Bar

14 Comments | Last Updated 25th March 2017 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Kitchen Bar is located just beside the Victoria Square shopping development and is a replacement for the old Kitchen Bar. This bar is a popular stopping off point for shoppers.

The old Kitchen Bar was demolished on Friday 30th July, 2004.

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Traditional Bar
The Kitchen Bar
1 Victoria Square
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Customer Comments and Reviews of The Kitchen Bar

There now follows 14 comments about The Kitchen Bar. You can also (no signup required).

the old kitchen bar was a proper bar THIS bar does not represent any were near the old bar the atmosphere is not the same i have to say it is not up to my STANDARDS sorry

Submitted by peter on 4th December 2016

its about time they taught the barmen to have a bit of respect for there customers a smile never killed anyone

Submitted by ken on 31st August 2013

We went in here for a quick lunch today. Chickens goujons

Submitted by older female teen on 8th December 2012

I couldn't beleieve the comments on this page. Our night out was amazing. The staff and the service were impeccable. We had no complaints. Yes the bar was very busy but that is to be expected at the weekend. The staff had a bit of craic with us as well which was quite refreshing rather than just average run of the mill service that you get where you realise that the staff aren't really interested in you one way or the other.

The food was great just what we wanted good, affordable pub grub.

We will definitely be back :)

Submitted by lara on 19th February 2010

Had a quiet drink in the Kitchen Bar a few days ago. Nice atmosphere and pleasant staff. Thought the paintings were amazing! Worth a visit just to see them.

Submitted on 22nd February 2009

i agree with all the negative comments def a place not to go to for food or drink alot better places around the town. Stay Away

Submitted by negative customer on 4th December 2008

Does botanic inns employ anyone under the age of 45? if so maybe they could let them work on a sat night in the bar. the staff cant get about as fast and are slow at serving so if you on a night out on the sauce do not venture here!!!!! Marks out of ten would be a four and that is being nice really!

Submitted by a very upset customer on 29th November 2008

OMG this is not a place to visit on a Sat night. i went there tonight and i was absolutely disgusted by the service i received. the only good thing about this bar is the friendliness of the door staff. i waited for ages for the first round of drinks and it was only after i questioned to my friends am i invisible that i got served!!! Also at eleven o'clock at night they ran out of blue WKD. I went back to the bar to get a round of drinks later and waited over 15 mins. everyone around was getting served and the three staff that were on only seemed to be serving the lower half of the bar. however i did question the barman as to why people were getting served before me and he said it was whoever grabbed his attention first. i myself have worked in the bar trade and was furious at this so went back to my table to get them to try and likewise they waited over 15 mins!!!! I later requested to speak to the manager regarding this (this was near the end of the night) and was told that a manager wasnt working that day and would not be back to Wed! Maybe that is where the prob lies there is no management in the place. the staff are all quiet old so it is not that you even have talent to look at. on a whole i would not venture to this place again. Def SOMEWHERE TO STAY AWAY FROM! WELL MAYBE IF THE MANAGER WAS ABOUT THE DRINKS YOU REQUEST AND THE SERVICE YOU RECEIVE WOULD BE DIFFERENT BUT I DOUBT IT! :(

Submitted by Caz on 29th November 2008

was shopping in the victoria centre and thought kitchen bar would be somewhere easy to get food. i had my child with me and there really wasnt enough space to bring a pram into the bar. i would say it is very un-child friendly as when i asked for a jug to heat the bottle they gave me a tea pot that the bottle wouldnt fit in! i requested a bowl and wasnt given a latte glass - er how was this to heat the bottle i dont know. i asked a waiter for a jug and he said they only had one in the establishment and it was being used and he couldnt help me???? so i asked someone else for a bowl to heat the bottle and they gave me a bowl full of hot water. However the food was quick but average! i had fish and chips with bread. bread was a bit hard and my mum only got half a slice of bread but on the whole it was eatable just about. service leads alot to be desired. the staff seemed stressed if they have more than two tables in. i would only recommend this bar for quiet periods and for a quiet drink.

Submitted by CK on 29th November 2008

nice for a quiet drink

Submitted by Rachel on 25th November 2008

The last time I was in this bar I got a meal, and I swear the spuds were out of a tin !!!......Some of the staff seem to look down their noses at you,

never again.

Submitted by RB on 16th November 2008

I visited this bar a few weeks ago when I came for a weekend with my girlfriend to Belfast. The bar was amazing....the bar was nicely decorated but what really made it amazing was the musicians they had playing. There were 4 of them on a Saturday afternoon and they were truley mind blowing. Totally traditional Irish music but with a Belfast twist as it was the fastest I have ever heard it being played!! I would visit again in the promise of listening to these brill musicians!! The only bad thing about that bar (even though I didnt sample the food) was that the Trad Music Group stopped playing!! Totally excellent!

Submitted by Tommy Edgar on 22nd October 2008

Ironically, given its name, the food in The Kitchen is terrible. I ordered pasta and got this horrible cold straight-out-of-a-tin gunk. The atmosphere is good though - especially on a Saturday afternoon

Submitted by Gareth Dowden on 10th July 2008

Truly wonderful bar.. great food, good music and a smashing pint of guinness!! The staff are amazingly friendly and will bend over backwards to accomodate you! EXCELLENT!

Submitted by NM on 15th September 2006

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