Oasis (CLOSED)

1 Comments | THIS VENUE IS NO LONGER OPEN | Last Updated 13th May 2024 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos


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58a Distillery Street
Post Code
BT12 5BJ

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Oasis

There now follows 1 comments about Oasis. You can also (no signup required).

i love this bar, i think it is excellant there is alot of great charcters that you will meet in the place such as baldy billy who supports chelsea and is always up for a pint with cheesy mc aree and jasper the clown, sometimes paul the boo squinty hand who is now on crouches because helda broke his legs for coming in sobber.

Submitted by john mc guinness on 8th February 2007

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