My Ladys Inn

9 Comments | Last Updated 25th July 2024 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

My Ladys Inn is found on a road of the same name.

Information and Contact Details

36 My Ladys Road
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Customer Comments and Reviews of My Ladys Inn

There now follows 9 comments about My Ladys Inn. You can also (no signup required).

Awesome pub great people great Craic !!

I live in Australia now and really miss going there on a Saturday.

Great memories of My Ladys though we used to call it by "The Wee Inn"

Cheers Lads !!!!

Submitted by Neale McKelvey on 6th January 2012

As one of the reviews states "great bar for outsiders"... Says it all really, steer clear. The flags outside rarely indicate anything positive. I'm sure there are good people that drink there, good luck finding them...

Submitted by Pedro on 25th November 2011

the best dart team in the land, ftc

Submitted by ftc on 22nd November 2011

All I can say about this bar is it's ok, It's not good and it's not bad. Give it a try and draw your own conclusions.

Submitted by Paul Hoey (Bloop) on 16th September 2010

great dart team

Submitted by me on 20th July 2010

i love it ........great bar for outsiders.............

Submitted by east belfast on 6th May 2010

great bar

Submitted by sean on 8th January 2010

a great bar overall.great crack,,,and nearly caused me and my girl to split up on more than one occassion.

Submitted by me on 21st May 2009

great bar,,,,staff are really friendly and the crowd is buzzing,,,head down about 10 pm for loads of talent and late drink

Submitted by marty strachan on 17th January 2009

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