
17 Comments | Last Updated 3rd October 2016 | Added 9th June 2008 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

Muriels Cafe Bar, 12-14 Church Lane.

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12-14 Church Lane
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Customer Comments and Reviews of Muriels

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Def worth a visit for something different

Submitted on 30th November 2016

what is the big deal gruby we bar youd need a blank cheque to go into it the food are kids portions at adult prices drink dearest bar in belfast we are trying to keep people into the town go down two entrys to a real bar that has respect to custumers

Submitted by we jim on 4th March 2012

Really lovely bar; decor original, atmosphere good and staff are friendly. We had platter snacks one evening, which were great, however lunch is very disappointing! 'Fish bake' was tiny, with pretty much no fish at all to be seen! It consisted of a tiny bowl of runny sauce with fries and a small salad for �£8 . Really disappointed and not impressed!!!! Will def go back though but only for drinks, coffee or snacks.

Submitted on 2nd June 2011

Three of us came across Muriels during a visit to Belfast in January 2010. Food, drink, service, ambience and staff attitude were all excellent. It was surprising, therefore, to subsequently read such negative reviews and wondered what had happened to elicit them. However, on a return visit to Belfast in January 2011, we decided to give Muriels the benefit of the doubt. Standard of food, drink, service, ambience and attitude of the staff continued to be excellent. This cafe bar is an absolute gem but clearly not an appropriate venue if you enjoy rowdy/raucous drinking sessions. There are establishments to suit everyone and this one is pitched perfectly at those of us who appreciate good food and drink in a relaxed and friendly environment. We hope to see you and the Giants again next year

Submitted by Colette on 1st February 2011

I've been here three times on a Saturday night, and I've never had any bother getting in. Nice small bar, which is well staffed and gets a decent mature clientele, they even had a dj on last night! My only gripe is with the gents toilets, there's not enough of them. Overall highly recommended.

Submitted on 16th January 2011

"cupcakes", "prosecco" and "rif raf (sic)" from the previous commentator just goes to confirm the pompous, condesending and self deluded nature of this place and it's, non riff raff, clientele. If you want to enjoy your hard earned money without being judged because you don't round your vowels or appear to have a bad smell under your nose then, please, avoid this menagerie.

Submitted on 21st October 2010

Fabulously stylish, quirky, beautiful yet laid back and comfortable little gem of a place... delicious cupcakes and prosecco! The fact that they don't allow rif raf in is a wonderful thing- don't knock it!

Submitted on 15th October 2010

Pompus bar, pompus staff, pompus clientelle!! When the 'regulars' find a new trendy place they will be off in a shot! This quirky bar has a short life span, unfortunately.

Submitted by Kara on 22nd August 2010

Fantastic decor ..need a few proper beers ..a nice guest ale would be good, also takes so long to get served as the staff are making cocktails and a superb job they do,but takes forever so more staff needed ..

Submitted by jackalina on 24th June 2010

This bar could be really great bar but unfortunately it seems to be totally stuck in the 90's, which was the last time I heard the phrase 'regular's only'. It's so absorbed with itself and its 'regulars' it seems to forget the rest of the public, local and tourists and therefore comes across not as quirky/cool but stuck up/old fashioned. Shame really it could have been a pretty cool bar. There's more to Belfast/Ireland/The World than this poor excuse, thankfully won't be back.

Submitted by SG on 2nd May 2010

I think this is a great place, nice atmosphere, great music :)`

Submitted on 21st April 2010

They seem to be under the impression that the national minimum age for entering a bar is 25! They turned us away because I am wasn't even busy, just a quiet week night. This has totally put me off. I won't go back even in two years time. The suggestion that under 25s cannot behave appropriately simply causes offence. We were a lot more sensible than most of their customers.

Submitted on 8th April 2010

Its owned and run by the same people as the Spaniard, up the Street (up its A***). So no surprise about the "door policy"! Read recent reviews about the Spaniard and you will get my drift.

Submitted on 11th September 2009

I have been coming to this little bar for at least 6 months now, so you can imagine my frustration when I was denied entrance early on a Saturday evening! I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the bar was for regulars only! As I tried to explain to the fair haired woman on the door that i was in at least once or twice every week, she was having none of it, and dismissed myself and my company very abruptly! This ruined my plans for the evening and has tarnished my views about this once welcoming bar! The new woman on the door is only putting good, honest people off!

Submitted by Marion Thompson on 15th August 2009

Quirky little bar, great atmosphere, great service. Loves it!

Submitted by Darren Trowlen on 1st August 2009

On the contrary Sian, my friends and I have visited this bar on several occasions and would suggest that the staff are some of the most friendly in Belfast aswell as being very efficient at their jobs! As for the selection of Drinks!! What planet are you on!!? Apart from maybe a 5* hotel around the corner, you'll be hard pushed to find a better selection in Belfast!! We love Muriel's! x

Submitted by Danielle on 23rd April 2009

Out of the way and not really worth looking for. Nice enough bar, staff not overly rude but getting there, medium selection of drinks. Average on all accounts.

Submitted by Sian on 1st April 2009

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