Katy Dalys (CLOSED)

9 Comments | THIS VENUE IS NO LONGER OPEN | Last Updated 25th May 2024 | Added 8th January 2005 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

Katy Dalys is the ideal pub to go to if you want a nice quiet drink. The staff are great craic, the music is always good and there is always some sort of entertainment on.

The vast array of drinks are on offer(27 whiskies alone!) and the wide variety of entertainment means there is something for everyone. A warm welcome is guaranteed.

Katy Dalys bar, situated on Ormeau Avenue, just 5 minutes from the city centre, offers a casual and relaxing atmosphere.

Information and Contact Details

Katy Dalys
17 Ormeau Avenue
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Customer Comments and Reviews of Katy Dalys

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used to be a regular, but recently they have had such terrible service, no respect for new or regular customers

too long to get served considering it wasnt too busy that night,

waited 10 minutes at the bar trying to get the attention of a man right in front of me, he then pointed at a sign and said, "no service here, theres a sign RIGHT THERE!"

i genuinely didnt see it, but it was tiny and it did not say "no service" but it was some stupid joke pertaining to the fact that you could not get served there, easy to miss, but the guy was so rude

i took literally two steps to my left, at the same section of the same bar, and he deliberately served every other person there before me, including some who arrived after i moved to the "correct" part of the same bloody bar, i doubt i'll be back,

also smells a bit, but that could be down to the unbathed nature of the clientele

Submitted by marty on 9th May 2012

I prefer going here just for a quick pint before heading to gig in spring and airbrake, as otherwise it can be really boring. The staff are also very rude and unwelcoming. I've never seen one of them smile.They have no people skills.I was really mortified as i had friends over from abroad and they even commented on the rudeness of the staff. shame really.

Submitted by okim on 21st November 2011

Nice pub and lovely decor but check beforehand if attending any events!! We'd checked all pub events on for a Monday evening in Belfast (limited I know)- we had family from london staying and fancied the quiz advertised. We arrived at 9pm as per online notice and had to wait till 10:30 before the quiz master decided not to have the quiz!! not only that but a drinks promotion was advertised just before the quiz was due to take place and remained on the wall even though there was no promotion as there was no quiz!! at least the barman felt my disappointment and gave me the bacon fries for free - Very disappointed - the quizmaster totally ignored those who bothered to turn up - should have went to the Empire!!

Submitted on 26th September 2011

I don't know how some have come to the conclusion that this bar is expensive or overly grubby? Katy Dailys is not amazing nor is it rubbish. It is a student bar first and foremost (but not solely a student bar), catering primarily to the more rock/Indie music orientated punter (you'll not find a cool FM DJ guesting in here Thank fck).

One criticism I would have is that some of the clientèle can be a bit carried away with themselves and therefore lack respect for others in the bar (it's not uncool to be polite and friendly to the people around you)but apart from that I would not have a problem with the place.

If you are young and like an alternative scene then try Katys

Submitted by Rantomon on 18th December 2010

This has got to be the worst bar in Belfast. Poor ambience, expensive drinks, no entertainment, ignorant staff.....The list is endless. I almost expected a tumbleweed to come rolling through the bar it was that quiet! -1/10...no make that -2!

Submitted by Bargoer on 6th July 2010

Pretty grubby place. Poor ambience and surly rude bouncers/staff.

Submitted by Bar Reviewer on 8th March 2010

Yep, its simple, my favourite pub in Belfast. Get in here that little bit early, guarantee yourself a seat and thats it, your in for the night of your life (well as far as belfast can offer)! Its a great friendly wee bar. Good athmosphere and generally friendly clients. Good music and volume always seems to be just right. Appart from the odd Headbanger misstaking the door from the limelight to Katy Dalys with that of the toilet in the limelight its a smooth night! 6/10

Submitted by Joker on 5th March 2008

A Great Bar. Plenty of Atmosphere and the pub quiz on a Monday night is out of this world. The only pub quiz where I've ever seen 67 teams on average.

An all round great pub and very handy for heading to the Limelight or the Spring and Airbrake afterwards as they are on either side.

Submitted by AJ on 17th January 2008

most chilled out, friendliest bar in belfast. highly reccommended

Submitted on 24th December 2006

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