Fountain Tavern

12 Comments | Last Updated 4th December 2015 | Added 10th August 2007 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Fountain Tavern is a very traditional pub with Tudor design. Inside there is a very friendly and warm atmosphere. Meals are on sale daily starters from �£3.00 and mains from �£6.50.

Information and Contact Details

Traditional Bar
16-20 Fountain Street
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Customer Comments and Reviews of Fountain Tavern

There now follows 12 comments about Fountain Tavern. You can also (no signup required).

have people nothing better to do with themselves than moan about the price of drink OK the drink is abit dear thats why i dont go out as much as i use to i go to the supermarket and get 20 bottles of bud for Â�£10 thats why the bars are emty mid week so owners of bars respect the customer and charge a reasonable price for the drink and maybe the punters will come back(FOOD FOR THOUGHT)many thanks

Submitted by davy on 11th June 2018

not a happy chappy went to that so called TAVERN on Friday night there was a disco on people where crammed in like sardines (NEVER AGAIN)

Submitted by ansil on 20th December 2016

good tavern but starting to get a bit expensive to drink in

Submitted by micky on 17th October 2014

super tavern friendly staff worth giving it a turn a bar who respects there custumers well done

Submitted by mary ann on 17th April 2012

one of belfasts proper taverns a well established bar good food and drink service first class like the last reviewer its a privilage to here the owl doll with the tint in her hair sing and the free grub finishes it off

Submitted by kenny on 7th April 2012

now thats what i call a proper tavern well stocked bar good food gave friday night a go a bit of blue grass music the owl doll with the tint in her hair cant half sing

Submitted by sean og on 13th March 2012

went to the fountain on friday night music on people there were very sad looking looked like the granny and granda reunion they were all dolled up expecting elvis but got old men trying to sing cant complain free sandwichess watch the one with beard at the bar he is a fly man good luck

Submitted by wee joe on 8th March 2012

I told my friend and neighbour, Bruce, that he must go and see Gerry McCartney and the lads playing at the Fountain on a Friday. He'll be flying home in a few days, so I hope he makes it. I've heard wonderful reports about the Fountain. Cheers!

Submitted by Colin Abbott, Australia on 3rd June 2011

A Belfast pub of the kind that are fast disappearing.

I occasionally go to the Friday night session

Submitted by brianboru on 13th August 2009

Great wee pub, go to it now and again. Service is always good and the barman with the brown hair is pretty tasty also.

Submitted by Laura on 5th March 2009

'Belfast's hidden gem'!!!!! Cosy surroundings, excellant service, genuinely helpful staff serving delicious food - what a pleasant surprise.

Submitted by Kathy Walters on 31st March 2008

My visit to this fantastic pub was worth every

pint I drank.Food was well presented and tasty.

Friendly staff and will be going back.

Submitted by Ivan Millard on 14th June 2006

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