Cutters Wharf

47 Comments | Last Updated 26th May 2024 | Added 8th July 2005 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

Cutters is a perfect bar for drinking during the summer as there is plently of space outside. Situated in an idyllic setting on the banks of the River Lagan, this bright and airy bar and restaurant - are perfect for relaxing in and taking it easy.
The two storey building is in an excellent location, with a large beer garden and wonderful views of the riverside.
Excellent bar snacks available downstairs with lunch, evening and vegetarian menus served upstairs.

This is the only pub in the Stranmillis area and is a good starting point for any pub crawl heading towards Belfast city centre.

Information and Contact Details

: 028 9080 5100
Cutters River Grill & Bar
Lockview Road
Post Code

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Cutters Wharf

There now follows 47 comments about Cutters Wharf. You can also (no signup required).

Very disappointed with our recent visit, service was awful waitress ask what you would like to order and continue walking away at the same time before you’ve finished speaking absolutely no customer care. Excess wait time on drink and food orders and when food did arrive it was cold obviously sitting before being bought to the table. Food sat on the table not asked would you like anything else when I ask if sauce it sure came across as a task.

Submitted on 29th April 2022

We have been going to Cutters for many years, the food and service always excellent but No More. Never have we ever experienced service like it. Ordered food, 45mins-1hr later it arrived COLD, obviously was left sitting for quiet a while, I would say nothing to do with chef as presentation and taste was all good but waitress/waiter service was atrocious... when we finish (didnt take long as was stone cold in 3mins) 45-50mons later a waitress arrived to say "are you finished' i always did brag about this place, never will I BRAG again...... dont do it, waste of time. Last time we or friends will ever be at CUTTERS.

Submitted by Craig on 15th March 2019

Went for lunch today in Cutters...amazing location although staff where horrendously rude and didn't want to help you!

Submitted by Mary on 27th March 2012

Back home for christmas and headed down to cutter to catch up with mates! Wednesday night quiz STILL on with the same quizmaster! Brought back brilliant memories of days gone by and a great night craic! We all grew up with this brilliant Quiz!!! Lovely busy bar with an atmosphere second to none. I'll miss it til next year when "i'll be back" Thanks Cutters for helping my festivities go so weel.

Submitted by conrad on 12th January 2012

Awful Staff. Very rude extremely overzealous bouncers. Looks like a nice building etc but will not be back.

Submitted by Tony on 12th September 2011

Well I used to frequent Cutters last year for a while, I hadn't been for a while and was shocked recently when I went back. The place is filthy! On the surface it looks clean but look at the blinds...dust galore. Also the staff can be unfriendly especially the tall skinny manager with the black hair, unfriendly and false. I won't be back.

Submitted by Big Jo on 22nd July 2011

I only go to the Cutters Wharf to watch big football matches because when these are on there is naturally a big, boisterous crowd and a good atmosphere, with everyone respectful of everyone else's ''space'' when moving past them.

The pub itself is big, airy and well equipped with enough decent quality screens. Bar service is pretty good generally at present. Individual bar staff are individually distinctive via their attitude to customers. There's a lovely bar maid with long black hair and a ready smile and another one who surprised me recently with an aggressive ''What did you say!'' after serving me. ''I said 'Thank you very much indeed''', I replied calmly. She turned away, seemingly disappointed about not being able to have a row with me. Ho, humm...

The present manager seems professional and effective. I don't go to gastro pubs like this for food as it is an almost mathematical certaintly I'll be disappointed. Reviewers below appear to lend their support to my contention.

As a 'football pub' I give the Cutters Wharf 10/10.

Submitted on 10th June 2011

I went to the restauranr in Cutters Wharf on the 19th April at 7pm. Our waitress was foreign and she was briliant, knew everything about the menu and what to go for. Although we were served a few times by the manager of the restaurant she wasnt as nice, she was very blunt and didnt seem to want to be there. Thats not the impression you want to get from a restaurant like that. She came to take our dessert order and didnt even ask my boyfriend if he want custard or ice cream with his apple crumble. He was given custard but wanted ice cream, she was so blunt and rude that we didnt feel we could hassle her anymore. Not a very pleasant experience. Hats off to the chefs though, food was amazing.

Submitted on 23rd April 2011



Submitted by WILLIAM J OSBORNE on 10th February 2011

went for lunch today and was disappointed...ordered a tomato and mozzerella cheese salad..the lettuce was gritty, the tomatoes were ok apart from you know the ends of the tomato they were also used...and tbh put me of...i didnt complain, as I hate confrontation. The waiter seemed busy anyways...i would go back for a drink but not to lunch....

Submitted on 24th June 2010

Seriosuly one of the best bars in Belfast. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon! If there is any hint of sun whatsoever the place will be packed so get down early to get a seat in the sun outside. Always a good crowd in attendance and everyone seems to be having a good time. The ouside bar saves a lot of time queueing inside and later on acoustic live music! What more can you ask for!

Submitted by Chris on 28th May 2010

Qun. How many days does the sun actually shine in Northern Ireland over the "summer"?

Seriously, people who make comments saying that "the bar needs to be better staffed on sunny days", must never have woken up only to find it raining one minute

Submitted on 18th April 2010

I believe the last comment to be straight from the wine inns marketing team as I have eaten there (for the last time) and to be honest the prices are not reasonable, the staff are bad to the point of disgraceful and well to last comment- why would you describe an offer on champagne as good when you were only in for lunch- makes no sense (unless employed by wine inns)!

Submitted on 17th August 2009

I dined with two friends on monday the 27th July, on entry, the outside was completely spotless, and even though there was rain earlier that day, the tables were wiped down and dry. I asked the waiter could we eat outside, he supplied us with menus and explained to order at the bar. He then suggested it may be better of to dine inside, to obtain waiter service, as the weather looked like it could change at any time. Once myself and my friends had been seated, the spikey haired waiter explained the soups of today, and told us about champagne being on offer at �£25!!!! We settled for a soup and sandwich combo, perfect for lunch and reasonably priced for belfast. Even though it seemed quite busy, the staff were very professional, checking up regularly and ensuring our drinks were toppped up. Best lunch in a long time my rating is 5/5, no doubt ill be back again!

Submitted by Mary Stewart on 30th July 2009

I called the bar today asI am trying to plan a dinner for a party of 20 ppl, I began call by asking what entertainment they provided on a sat eve and the response I got was basically they couldnt be bothered finding out and to all back...immediately I decidedI would not be giving them my business and for future business I would take my clients else where. I am extremely disappointed yet again with the service from this establishment and wish that management would address thier training needs orrecruit ppl who actually want to work in the hospitality industry...pity, nice bar, nice location and staff who just cant be bothered!! Certainly not what you expect in the current climate!

Submitted on 2nd July 2009

was disappointed the last time I was in before christmas, but ive been in was three times in the last month and the craic was great. It was still a bit slow at the bar but i thought the staff coped well as the place was completely packed out. It seems to be really busy again. The outside bar was handy too.

Submitted by Mark Cunningham on 28th June 2009

was in cutters on monday and there was que out the door with people wanting to order food - Half of belfast must have phoned in sick due to the good weather! I hate standing in a cue and luckily for me they had decided to fire up the BBQ and had the outside bar going - although there was no pear cider left (the barman did explain to me that with the good weather all weekend it was near impossible to keep up with demand)- I was more than happy with my magners and bbq burger!!!!

Submitted on 2nd June 2009

Cutters is great on a sunny day. Granted, there are alot of people talking about the poor service, but the fact is the company understaff these places to save money, so staff are unbearebly worn out.I work in one of these company bars and to tell the truth I can see that there is a customer service problem but this has to be put down to the owners. I have spent time workin there, and although I try to be as professional, some of the snobs who come in just make you want to quit. Give it a chance. and when it does get ridicolously busy they call in staff from other company bars who dont know the place. Again, not their fault........ Maybe I'm biased but you could not pay me enough 2 go back

Submitted on 30th May 2009

food was not good, restaurant was not busy, brie was cold, no lemon on prawn cocktail, glasses dirty, food very poor quality- won't be back....

Submitted on 12th May 2009

Not much good in this place apart from the view. Food overpriced and staff to be honest forget the reason they are there, too serve and be a little polite. As for when you go up to the bar you get the regulars blocking access to the bar and all have an attitude- hell is this not meant to be a restaurant- bar!!

Door staff are very decent. They should train there barstaff to be as helpful.

Submitted on 1st April 2009

miss all the old staff at least they knew what tehy were doing

Submitted by no longer a regular on 15th January 2009

gone way down hill not even worth going to

Submitted by reina on 25th November 2008

Went down on Thurs last to watchThe Hyland Paddy Group

Heard they were back Brill!!!!!

Submitted by jim/Anne on 10th October 2008

Best place in Belfast on a sunny day but agree with many other on here. Its dirty. Sticky floors, plastic glasses, lack of staff, a tad run down but whens its good its great and when its bad its dire. Hit and miss

Submitted by MarkyG on 3rd October 2008

Cutters is what it is full of snobs, poor staff, over priced drinks but great location.

Submitted on 23rd September 2008

Visited Cutters for a night out and was pleasantly surprised. Food and service flawless with a great atmosphere in the bar to finish the evening. Well done and keep it up!!!!

Submitted on 6th September 2008

love cutters on a sunny day, full of good lookin people. boat race, volly ball all great but a bit crap when the weathers not good.

Submitted by jlo on 8th July 2008

Well done!. Cutters we were there for a BBQ on Friday and were looked after really well. Good food better drink and excellent friendly service. Only thing wrong was the weather but the covered area we were in with the heaters sorted that. Later we moved into the bar for the live music and finished off the night.

Submitted on 23rd June 2008

Customer Service absolutley disgraceful. Bar was busy enough with staff walking around with their eyes to floor so they didnt have to make eye contact with customers. We were inslusted by the waitress who accused us of looking at her like she was a piece of dirt. All 5 of us had sun glasses on at the time ha... She then went on to say she did not care if we were customers we didnt pay her wages and the man who apperently pays her wages wasnt there. After being verbally assulted by the waitress I deceided to leave with my 76 year old mother and spend my hard earned cash elswhere. Will never return and would certainly not be recommending it to anyone.

Submitted by Karen Walsh on 11th June 2008

I called with my mum for lunch recently. Food wasn't too bad, service was awful. I had to go up to the bar and ask for the menu. The staff seemed to be serving only at the bar (locals). Eventually I went up to the bar again and ordered drinks, checked with the bar man if they were serving food. Had to call another member of staff to take the order and then waited ages for the food. Such a pity as the location is lovely. I would go there often if the service improved.

Submitted by works close by on 1st May 2008

Had a fantastic trip up the lagan in boats with 160 friends. We had organised a BBQ. When we turned up, No BBQ - instead a Stew with bread. Oops only about 30% of the people got stew. 20% got soup. The rest got nothing!!!. they are looking paid haha. When we complained the manager did a disappering act. Even the staff could not find him or maybe didn't want to, he was troublesome character!!! . Don't go near this place until they get the management sorted out!!!! There was a lack of staff as well. Proper managemenet needed or I inform HCIMA

Submitted by Debi Hetherington MHCIMA. on 28th April 2008

I have never witnessed the rudeness of a member of staff to a female friend of mine. When I confronted the manager, I got a similar response. Not good enough! Having said that, much credit to the guys on the door, friendly, courteous, don't get it.

Plastic glasses, sticky floors, oh please, what a waste of such a fabuluos location, le grand

Submitted by Used to be a regular on 11th February 2008

who is the manager in this place and does a manager even exist. both restuarant and bar provide poor service. they are lazy but so did the guys in suits too. really needs to be sorted out before the summer comes or cutters will be sinking in the lagan. get it sorted or knock it down.

Submitted on 2nd February 2008

I went to cutters for a meal with my girlfriend not that long ago ,not a good experience at all, where do i start, ok well it took ages for staff to notice me and my girlfriend standing at the door, just to point out that there where three members off staff behind the bar and one leaning at the window with their arms folded. When they took notice the member of staff slowly walked over to us, but the look on their face some what said God sake i have to work now, well believe you me that was not the case as we got seated it took 15 min to get a drink and ages for the food to come i suspect for one reason the person who took the order never went near the till to type the order in for nearly 10 to 15 min. will i be back let me think about that NO. PS CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER A QUESTION FOR ME WHY DO THE STAFF IN THE RESTAURANT HAVE SO MANY UNIFORMS. AND IT WAS THE START OF LUNCH WHY WHERE THEY DIRTY??????????????????????????????????????

Submitted on 14th November 2007

Over priced for below average food. Service is non existent. Met a friend for lunch and waited for 20 mins for service. Got fed up and went up to bar to order food. Staff seemed to serve customers at each end of the bar and avoided the people in the middle. Had a ask a member of staff after 45 mins if there was any chance that nachos with melted cheese would be ready as we had to go back to work. Very overpriced and rubbish service. Will not be going back

Submitted on 9th October 2007

was at cutters for first time and have to say will be my last the whad booked a table for 5 when we got there no table got seated ordered waited ages for food when we finally got it it was cold service poor

Submitted by nigel on 30th September 2007

the staff constantly change in this place and the managers dont seem to really help in busy periods. waited too long at bar to get serviced a drink and even then i wasnt given good service. wouldnt reccommend it.

Submitted on 29th September 2007

Nice place, nice doormen, gets a bit busy but not overly. Overall i give it a thumbs up its one of my preferred choices for drinking in Belfast (which i do a lot of.)

Submitted on 7th August 2007

Was in cutters for my dad's birthday.starters were very nice with a good selection but the mains were really disappointing.steaks were of a really low quality and over cooked, the fish was tasteless,side orders of chips were undercooked. very disappointed as I had heard the sunday lunches are nice.staff were very nice and helpful but let down by the terrible food.

Submitted on 8th July 2007

I have been to cutters on several occasions and as yet have to have a bad expierence, food in the restaurant is good service is efficient ( don't expect Michlin star standards) try the crepes cooked at your table for dessert.

they may use plastic glasses on busy days but they do so only to get drinks served as quickly as possible.

Submitted on 29th May 2007

I and some friends went to Cutters after a walk along the tow path and had a quite drink and a chat.The 1st round we were over charged and had to claim a refund. There were 2 different football matches on the TVs one of which had the sound off and the other at a moderate level. As soon as the football was over the place erupted with very loud music. All conversation had to stop. We and several other tables left shortly after.

Submitted by Quite Drinker on 17th May 2007

For a start - of course that person who gave it 10/10 is going to ask what everyone is complaining about - when you know staff in bars & are a regular of course you're going to get served quicker.

I have been twice in the last 2 weeks, I don't understand why during summer months they don't have the place better manned - of course its going to be busy when the sun is out! Maybe they had a few staff phone in sick - but there is no excuse for all the staff avoiding eye contact & ignoring customers. I waited about 20 minutes to get served & then gave up as the staff werre only serving people at each end of the bar & not the middle. There was at least 3 other people as well as myself who just gave up & left.

Another gripe - what's the story with the decor -yuck yuck yuck - those purple seats are a nightmare i kept slipping off it!! Sort it out Cutters!

Submitted on 17th April 2007

Visited the restaurant for the first time in over a year. Always had good food and service before but this time it was very poor. We had to ask again for our starter as it never appeared and when it did come there was no apology for the delay. The food was very average and my meal (fish cakes) were not pleasant at all so they were hardly touched. When the plate was removed there were no questions from the waitress about how the food was even though most of it was still there. I was going to say but i just got the impression from the staff that nothing would've been done about it anyway. Very disappointed...fab pub but the restaurant and staff will be the death of it!!

Submitted by Niki on 16th April 2007

This is a good spot for a sunny day - although be prepared for big crowds outside. However, when the weather's not up to much and you have to drink inside this place has the smell and atmosphere of a men's locker room.

Submitted on 2nd March 2007

Booked a table in the restaurant for a friends 21st Birthday dinner.

The service was terrible. We waited ages to be seated.

I myself had to order three different meals from the menu as the waitress kept coming back saying "sorry we are sold out of that". Ok granted it was very busy outside and the surroundings were lovely but the food was very average and to add insult to injury we were given the wrong bill and the staff argued about it.

It was only when they realized that it was actually the bill from the table behind us that they corrected the bill and apologised.

To be honest the bar seemed very understaffed as it was extremly busy outside. Non the less we had afterall booked the table and I doubt I shall return for food.

Submitted on 24th August 2006

As a regular at cutters i find the comments below grossly unfair. Staff have always been attentive only refusing table service at what must be busy periods.. such as during sports or sunny days. I dont reccommend cutters for people who expect to be waited on hand on foot, and to enjoy it for what it is. A busy, bustling, summer bar.

Submitted on 17th July 2006

Recently visited the bar intending to stay for the day. Sun was out, so were we and the surroundings are pleasant enough. Unfortunately the staff were less than attentive and the food was overpriced and very average. There was a football match on and therefore when the match started they stopped serving pints in glasses (for security). Still able to buy "Safe" bottles. Won't be back and will be sure to tell everyone I know to avoid the place.

Submitted by Davy Martin on 14th June 2006

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