Black Box

2 Comments | Last Updated 11th May 2024 | Added 10th December 2006 | Edit Details | Edit Photos

The Black Box can be used for music, film, literature, comedy, theatre and visual arts events. We have bar facilities and room for 300 maximum. Please contact us if you are interested in booking the space.

Information and Contact Details

18 - 22 Hill Street
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Cathedral Quarter Occasional Live Music

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Customer Comments and Reviews of Black Box

There now follows 2 comments about Black Box. You can also (no signup required).

Brilliant addition to Cathedral Quarter ambience. Becoming the hub of the area. Well done and hearty congrats to all involved.

Submitted on 22nd July 2009

Easily best alternative venue in Belfast. something different on every week and a great venue for live music.

Submitted on 12th February 2009

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